Trust retains Stage 2 of the Triangle of Care

Published on: 8th July 2024

We are delighted to have once again retained our two-star status for the fifth year in a row, the highest level of accreditation that can be obtained through the Triangle of Care programme.

Developed by the Carers Trust, the Triangle of Care programme asks NHS mental health trusts and the people who work there to make a commitment to change the way they communicate with and include carers in decisions about the person they are supporting.

Having a Triangle of Care in place ensures the views of carers in formulating care plans and policy is translated into their inclusion at all levels of the process and their often-crucial role is supported through practical means.

In their submission response, the Carers Trust said ‘LPFT are an exemplar member of the Triangle of Care and manage to build on their work each year despite capacity challenges, they also offer comprehensive support to carers whilst there is no commissioned service to refer in to.’

Huge congratulations to all colleagues and carers involved and for your continued commitment to supporting carers.

Information to support carers and relatives can be found on our website at   

To find out more about the Triangle of Care programme, go to